" Title: Example Plugin " Description: A plugin to provide an example for creating Neovim plugins. " Last Change: 8 November 2021 " Maintainer: Example User " Prevents the plugin from being loaded multiple times. If the loaded " variable exists, do nothing more. Otherwise, assign the loaded " variable and continue running this instance of the plugin. if exists("g:loaded_exampleplugin") finish endif let g:loaded_exampleplugin = 1 " Defines a package path for Lua. This facilitates importing the " Lua modules from the plugin's dependency directory. let s:lua_rocks_deps_loc = expand(":h:r") . "/../lua/example-plugin/deps" exe "lua package.path = package.path .. '" " Exposes the plugin's functions for use as commands in Neovim. command! -nargs=0 Greet lua require("example-plugin").greet()