-- source: https://github.com/jonstoler/lua-toml/blob/master/toml.lua local TOML = { -- denotes the current supported TOML version version = 0.40, -- sets whether the parser should follow the TOML spec strictly -- currently, no errors are thrown for the following rules if strictness is turned off: -- tables having mixed keys -- redefining a table -- redefining a key within a table strict = true, } -- converts TOML data into a lua table TOML.parse = function(toml, options) options = options or {} local strict = (options.strict ~= nil and options.strict or TOML.strict) -- the official TOML definition of whitespace local ws = "[\009\032]" -- the official TOML definition of newline local nl = "[\10" do local crlf = "\13\10" nl = nl .. crlf end nl = nl .. "]" -- stores text data local buffer = "" -- the current location within the string to parse local cursor = 1 -- the output table local out = {} -- the current table to write to local obj = out -- returns the next n characters from the current position local function char(n) n = n or 0 return toml:sub(cursor + n, cursor + n) end -- moves the current position forward n (default: 1) characters local function step(n) n = n or 1 cursor = cursor + n end -- move forward until the next non-whitespace character local function skipWhitespace() while (char():match(ws)) do step() end end -- remove the (Lua) whitespace at the beginning and end of a string local function trim(str) return str:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") end -- divide a string into a table around a delimiter local function split(str, delim) if str == "" then return {} end local result = {} local append = delim if delim:match("%%") then append = delim:gsub("%%", "") end for match in (str .. append):gmatch("(.-)" .. delim) do table.insert(result, match) end return result end -- produce a parsing error message -- the error contains the line number of the current position local function err(message, strictOnly) if not strictOnly or (strictOnly and strict) then local line = 1 local c = 0 for l in toml:gmatch("(.-)" .. nl) do c = c + l:len() if c >= cursor then break end line = line + 1 end error("TOML: " .. message .. " on line " .. line .. ".", 4) end end -- prevent infinite loops by checking whether the cursor is -- at the end of the document or not local function bounds() return cursor <= toml:len() end local function parseString() local quoteType = char() -- should be single or double quote -- this is a multiline string if the next 2 characters match local multiline = (char(1) == char(2) and char(1) == char()) -- buffer to hold the string local str = "" -- skip the quotes step(multiline and 3 or 1) while (bounds()) do if multiline and char():match(nl) and str == "" then -- skip line break line at the beginning of multiline string step() end -- keep going until we encounter the quote character again if char() == quoteType then if multiline then if char(1) == char(2) and char(1) == quoteType then step(3) break end else step() break end end if char():match(nl) and not multiline then err("Single-line string cannot contain line break") end -- if we're in a double-quoted string, watch for escape characters! if quoteType == '"' and char() == "\\" then if multiline and char(1):match(nl) then -- skip until first non-whitespace character step(1) -- go past the line break while (bounds()) do if not char():match(ws) and not char():match(nl) then break end step() end else -- all available escape characters local escape = { b = "\b", t = "\t", n = "\n", f = "\f", r = "\r", ['"'] = '"', ["\\"] = "\\", } -- utf function from http://stackoverflow.com/a/26071044 -- converts \uXXX into actual unicode local function utf(char) local bytemarkers = { { 0x7ff, 192 }, { 0xffff, 224 }, { 0x1fffff, 240 } } if char < 128 then return string.char(char) end local charbytes = {} for bytes, vals in pairs(bytemarkers) do if char <= vals[1] then for b = bytes + 1, 2, -1 do local mod = char % 64 char = (char - mod) / 64 charbytes[b] = string.char(128 + mod) end charbytes[1] = string.char(vals[2] + char) break end end return table.concat(charbytes) end if escape[char(1)] then -- normal escape str = str .. escape[char(1)] step(2) -- go past backslash and the character elseif char(1) == "u" then -- utf-16 step() local uni = char(1) .. char(2) .. char(3) .. char(4) step(5) uni = tonumber(uni, 16) if (uni >= 0 and uni <= 0xd7ff) and not (uni >= 0xe000 and uni <= 0x10ffff) then str = str .. utf(uni) else err("Unicode escape is not a Unicode scalar") end elseif char(1) == "U" then -- utf-32 step() local uni = char(1) .. char(2) .. char(3) .. char(4) .. char(5) .. char(6) .. char(7) .. char(8) step(9) uni = tonumber(uni, 16) if (uni >= 0 and uni <= 0xd7ff) and not (uni >= 0xe000 and uni <= 0x10ffff) then str = str .. utf(uni) else err("Unicode escape is not a Unicode scalar") end else err("Invalid escape") end end else -- if we're not in a double-quoted string, just append it to our buffer raw and keep going str = str .. char() step() end end return { value = str, type = "string" } end local function parseNumber() local num = "" local exp local date = false while (bounds()) do if char():match("[%+%-%.eE_0-9]") then if not exp then if char():lower() == "e" then -- as soon as we reach e or E, start appending to exponent buffer instead of -- number buffer exp = "" elseif char() ~= "_" then num = num .. char() end elseif char():match("[%+%-0-9]") then exp = exp .. char() else err("Invalid exponent") end elseif char():match(ws) or char() == "#" or char():match(nl) or char() == "," or char() == "]" or char() == "}" then break elseif char() == "T" or char() == "Z" then -- parse the date (as a string, since lua has no date object) date = true while (bounds()) do if char() == "," or char() == "]" or char() == "#" or char():match(nl) or char():match(ws) then break end num = num .. char() step() end else err("Invalid number") end step() end if date then return { value = num, type = "date" } end local float = false if num:match("%.") then float = true end exp = exp and tonumber(exp) or 0 num = tonumber(num) if not float then return { -- lua will automatically convert the result -- of a power operation to a float, so we have -- to convert it back to an int with math.floor value = math.floor(num * 10 ^ exp), type = "int", } end return { value = num * 10 ^ exp, type = "float" } end local parseArray, getValue function parseArray() step() -- skip [ skipWhitespace() local arrayType local array = {} while (bounds()) do if char() == "]" then break elseif char():match(nl) then -- skip step() skipWhitespace() elseif char() == "#" then while (bounds() and not char():match(nl)) do step() end else -- get the next object in the array local v = getValue() if not v then break end -- set the type if it hasn't been set before if arrayType == nil then arrayType = v.type elseif arrayType ~= v.type then err("Mixed types in array", true) end array = array or {} table.insert(array, v.value) if char() == "," then step() end skipWhitespace() end end step() return { value = array, type = "array" } end local function parseInlineTable() step() -- skip opening brace local buffer = "" local quoted = false local tbl = {} while bounds() do if char() == "}" then break elseif char() == "'" or char() == '"' then buffer = parseString().value quoted = true elseif char() == "=" then if not quoted then buffer = trim(buffer) end step() -- skip = skipWhitespace() if char():match(nl) then err("Newline in inline table") end local v = getValue().value tbl[buffer] = v skipWhitespace() if char() == "," then step() elseif char():match(nl) then err("Newline in inline table") end quoted = false buffer = "" else buffer = buffer .. char() step() end end step() -- skip closing brace return { value = tbl, type = "array" } end local function parseBoolean() local v if toml:sub(cursor, cursor + 3) == "true" then step(4) v = { value = true, type = "boolean" } elseif toml:sub(cursor, cursor + 4) == "false" then step(5) v = { value = false, type = "boolean" } else err("Invalid primitive") end skipWhitespace() if char() == "#" then while (not char():match(nl)) do step() end end return v end -- figure out the type and get the next value in the document function getValue() if char() == '"' or char() == "'" then return parseString() elseif char():match("[%+%-0-9]") then return parseNumber() elseif char() == "[" then return parseArray() elseif char() == "{" then return parseInlineTable() else return parseBoolean() end -- date regex (for possible future support): -- %d%d%d%d%-[0-1][0-9]%-[0-3][0-9]T[0-2][0-9]%:[0-6][0-9]%:[0-6][0-9][Z%:%+%-%.0-9]* end -- track whether the current key was quoted or not local quotedKey = false -- parse the document! while (cursor <= toml:len()) do -- skip comments and whitespace if char() == "#" then while (not char():match(nl)) do step() end end if char():match(nl) then -- skip end if char() == "=" then step() skipWhitespace() -- trim key name buffer = trim(buffer) if buffer:match("^[0-9]*$") and not quotedKey then buffer = tonumber(buffer) end if buffer == "" and not quotedKey then err("Empty key name") end local v = getValue() if v then -- if the key already exists in the current object, throw an error if obj[buffer] then err('Cannot redefine key "' .. buffer .. '"', true) end obj[buffer] = v.value end -- clear the buffer buffer = "" quotedKey = false -- skip whitespace and comments skipWhitespace() if char() == "#" then while (bounds() and not char():match(nl)) do step() end end -- if there is anything left on this line after parsing a key and its value, -- throw an error if not char():match(nl) and cursor < toml:len() then err("Invalid primitive") end elseif char() == "[" then buffer = "" step() local tableArray = false -- if there are two brackets in a row, it's a table array! if char() == "[" then tableArray = true step() end obj = out local function processKey(isLast) isLast = isLast or false buffer = trim(buffer) if not quotedKey and buffer == "" then err("Empty table name") end if isLast and obj[buffer] and not tableArray and #obj[buffer] > 0 then err("Cannot redefine table", true) end -- set obj to the appropriate table so we can start -- filling it with values! if tableArray then -- push onto cache if obj[buffer] then obj = obj[buffer] if isLast then table.insert(obj, {}) end obj = obj[#obj] else obj[buffer] = {} obj = obj[buffer] if isLast then table.insert(obj, {}) obj = obj[1] end end else obj[buffer] = obj[buffer] or {} obj = obj[buffer] end end while (bounds()) do if char() == "]" then if tableArray then if char(1) ~= "]" then err("Mismatching brackets") else step() -- skip inside bracket end end step() -- skip outside bracket processKey(true) buffer = "" break elseif char() == '"' or char() == "'" then buffer = parseString().value quotedKey = true elseif char() == "." then step() -- skip period processKey() buffer = "" else buffer = buffer .. char() step() end end buffer = "" quotedKey = false elseif (char() == '"' or char() == "'") then -- quoted key buffer = parseString().value quotedKey = true end buffer = buffer .. (char():match(nl) and "" or char()) step() end return out end TOML.encode = function(tbl) local toml = "" local cache = {} local function parse(tbl) for k, v in pairs(tbl) do if type(v) == "boolean" then toml = toml .. k .. " = " .. tostring(v) .. "\n" elseif type(v) == "number" then toml = toml .. k .. " = " .. tostring(v) .. "\n" elseif type(v) == "string" then local quote = '"' v = v:gsub("\\", "\\\\") -- if the string has any line breaks, make it multiline if v:match("^\n(.*)$") then quote = quote:rep(3) v = "\\n" .. v elseif v:match("\n") then quote = quote:rep(3) end v = v:gsub("\b", "\\b") v = v:gsub("\t", "\\t") v = v:gsub("\f", "\\f") v = v:gsub("\r", "\\r") v = v:gsub('"', '\\"') v = v:gsub("/", "\\/") toml = toml .. k .. " = " .. quote .. v .. quote .. "\n" elseif type(v) == "table" then local array, arrayTable = true, true local first = {} for kk, vv in pairs(v) do if type(kk) ~= "number" then array = false end if type(vv) ~= "table" then v[kk] = nil first[kk] = vv arrayTable = false end end if array then if arrayTable then -- double bracket syntax go! table.insert(cache, k) for kk, vv in pairs(v) do toml = toml .. "[[" .. table.concat(cache, ".") .. "]]\n" for k3, v3 in pairs(vv) do if type(v3) ~= "table" then vv[k3] = nil first[k3] = v3 end end parse(first) parse(vv) end table.remove(cache) else -- plain ol boring array toml = toml .. k .. " = [\n" for kk, vv in pairs(first) do toml = toml .. tostring(vv) .. ",\n" end toml = toml .. "]\n" end else -- just a key/value table, folks table.insert(cache, k) toml = toml .. "[" .. table.concat(cache, ".") .. "]\n" parse(first) parse(v) table.remove(cache) end end end end parse(tbl) return toml:sub(1, -2) end return TOML