# Timer Timer times the time it took you to realize your project Counts the time in your editor inside on directory. Not beeing inside the editor for less than 5 minutes gets counted as beeing inside the editor. ## Usage ### Show time ```:Timer```: prints the time inside this directory. If ```.timer.toml``` exists it get's included. ```:TimerLog```: logs the current time table. ### Save time Time gets automatically saved, when neovim is closed. Given that the ```.timer.toml``` file exists. If it doesn't Timer searches the next 10 higher directories for one. If there isn't one either nothing get's persisted. ```:TimerSave```: saves the current time to ```.timer.toml```. If the file doesn't exist it gets created. ## Installation Lunar vim: ```lua lvim.plugins = { { "schreifuchs/timer", url = "https://git.schreifuchs.ch/schreifuchs/timer.git", config = function() require('timer').setup() end }, } ```