package config

type Environment string

const (
	Dev        Environment = "dev"
	Staging                = "staging"
	Production             = "prod"

// Config holds all configuration values
type Config struct {
	ConfigPath string `toml:"-"`

	SavePath string `toml:"savePath"`

	BaseUrl string `toml:"base_url"`
	Port    int    `toml:"port"`

// New returns a pointer to a default configuration with all empty values
func New() *Config {
	return &Config{
		ConfigPath: "",
		Port:       0,
		SavePath:   "",
		BaseUrl:    "",

// Default returns a pointer to a default configuration
func Default() *Config {
	return &Config{
		ConfigPath: "./config.toml",
		BaseUrl:    "http://localhost:8080",
		Port:       8080,
		SavePath:   "./storage",